Baby boys and their curls!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Once my son was born I found myself scaling the internet looking for natural shampoos and conditioner to use in his hair. Around 4 months old my son started losing most of his hair, he went from a head full of black hair to having curly blonde hair, to having hair only at the top. Fast forward to him being 5 months old his hair is starting to grow back and we are basically starting over, learning what works and what does not. There are countless blogs, YouTube channels, and Instagram pages that help aid parents in combating their baby girl’s curls, everything from how to tame them, what products to use to keep them healthy, and how to help them grow. I wish there were as many hair blogs dedicated to the baby boys out there with natural curls.
This is a new journey for me, I am used to my hair and I have specific products that work for my hair. So having a baby boy and learning how to tame his curls is a new experience. In these short 6 months, we have tested and tried out a lot of natural baby hair products, some that were great and some products people swore by that didn't work. I am starting to get into the groove of it and have a hair regimen for my little one that seems to be working. Our current regimen is pretty simple I try not to use too many products and use more natural oils than anything. I only wash his hair at the most once a week, but I try to wash it only once every two weeks, the other days co-wash with Shea Moisture Mango&Carrot  Kids Conditioner, and I wash 80% of the conditioner out. I mix the Curls Blueberry Bliss leave-in-conditioner, Cantu kids curling cream, jojoba oil, and Shea butter together and massage it throughout his hair. At one point organic coconut oil was a staple I used in his hair, but it seemed to be drying out his hair. So now I put a few scopes in his spray bottle mixed with water and I use it daily, because his hair needs A LOT of moisture. 
The one suggestion I have is whatever products you use try to purchase them Target, they have a good return policy and most of the time any products that don’t work I just take back. If you guys have any tips or products that work for your babies, please share. 

1 comment

  1. I love Kara Veda products, you can buy them online. I also like Design Essentials.


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